Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Spaghetti Tower!

Group Analysis:
1 & 2.

3. 50 cms
4. What I dislike about my design is that it is a complicated structure and it takes most of our money to build. What I like is that it is unique and picturesque.
5. The biggest challenge my team mates and I faced were tryingt to balance all the spaghetti sticks together and distributing all the marshmallows evenly. We kind of overcame it by putting our heads together and thinking of the most convenient ways to balance and measure everything.
6. If I had the opportunity to re-design my tower, I would make it less complicated. I would make a simpler design that gets the job done.

Self Analysis:
1. I personally hated this prodject so much. I get frustrated easily and would want to burst everytime the design wouldn't stand. I wanted to give up the second we started. I started to like it when little by little, the piece would come together and it relieved my stress.
2. The structure of our tower is some-what similar to those around the room. What makes ours different is that it is more triangular shaped than those of others who is either square or rectangular shaped.
3. I fI could add another material I would add super glue. Super glue is an amazing adhesive and our group would have no problem with the sticks sticking!
4. My contribution to the group was not just one role. I did a little bit of all the roles. I helped do the math, get the materials, and helped construct the tower. 

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